Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Kmart Double Coupon Days! YAY!

Here is what we bought at Kmart today.
We spent $29.56. With coupons and sales prices, we saved $78.05! We love double coupon days!

We also want to encourage people to visit You can get a free ebook about coupon shopping that will be very useful. With the economy the way it is, more people are using coupons and this ebook will inform you on how to use them wisely and to your best advantage.

The kids are napping, so I will go put away all of my great deals now!


Rachael said...

Way to go Marie...great deals...especially the t.p.! Whoo!

Unknown said...

Hi All:

Just wanted to let you know about our FREE grocery savings site as well where you can look up local grocery sales by ZIP Code, make a list of the best deals and head out to shop for them. We also have some coupons to add to the savings!

So, please visit soon and happy deal hunting!

MGD Cyndi