Saturday, November 1, 2008

Double Coupon Days at Kmart

I happened to go into Kmart this morning for a coupon to use at Target and saw the sign that today was the last day for double couponing up to $2.00. I was actually quite upset because I had called 2 weeks ago to see if they were participating and they told me no. So, this evening, I went back loaded with all of my coupons and this is what I got:

2 Almay eyeliners, 2 Almay mascaras, 2 Almay eyeshadows, 1 Almay concealer, 3 bags of lifesavers and 3 packets of Tuna. I spent $3.01 plus tax which came to $4.25.

Today was the last day for this but they have done this twice now within a few months so keep your eyes open for the next one. As a side note, Kmart often has manufacturers coupons hanging around. So it might be good practice to pop in there every so often anyway.